I am interested in learning from all Gardeners, but I am especially interested in learning from Gardeners living in India. And if you have family who are interested in Gardening, please ask them to visit this forum...so I can learn from them

For starters (and I need to figure out how to post pictures in here) this is what I have in my backyard;
- Apricot Tree - planted in 2017
- Plum Tree (Two varieties on one tree) - planted in 2017
- Cherry Tree (Four varitieies on one tree) - planted in 2017
- Blueberry Bush - planted in 2015 and giving fruit, but not much
- Raspberry Bush - planted in 2017 and growing like a wild weed
- White Grape Tree - planted in 2015 and giving fruit, but not much
- Strawberry Bushes - planted in 2017 in two pots and giving fruit
For flowering trees, I have the following;
- Hydrangeas (five different kinds...but my prized one is the Strawberry Vanilla planted in 2017).
- Magnolia Tree - Planted in 2016 and just beginning to flower
- Cherry Blossom - Planted in 2015 and flowering like crazy
- Crabapple - Planted in 2016 and flowering like crazy
- Three Roses of Sharon trees - Planted in 2015 and gorgeous flowers
- Three Peonie bushes - planted in 2017 and flowered only once
- Three sets of Hens & Chicks planted in 2017
And a request for folks reading this. If you can tell me how to get my hands on this, I would truly be in debt to you ---> https://hedgerowrose.com/rose-gardening ... bing-rose/
I live in Canada and hard to get this plant shipped here from the United States.